by Sarah Turl | Apr 1, 2020 | Conflict Management, Walter Wisdom
Today’s #WalterWisdomWednesday is a reminder to buck up and have those difficult conversations. Otherwise things can fester and become harder and bigger with the passage of time.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀It’s normal to dislike having difficult conversations and to be...
by Sarah Turl | Mar 31, 2020 | Uncategorized, Walter Wisdom
Right now times feel tense and strange. Heck they are stressful and tense times! Now for a bit of normalcy! It’s #WalterWisdomWednesday Today’s Walter wisdom is borrowed from Desmond Tutu. Did you know that your point doesn’t become more valid if you say it again but...